Friday, March 03, 2006

i fucking h8 bush most of the time

New York Times article discussing President Bush's trip to the Indian subcontinent. There, he urged Americans to welcome global competition for their jobs. From the article: "Mr. Bush, reiterating a theme of his trip, strongly defended the outsourcing of American jobs to India as the reality of a global economy, and said that the United States should instead focus on India as a vital new market for American goods ... 'The classic opportunity for our American farmers and entrepreneurs and small businesses to understand is there is a 300 million-person market of middle class citizens here in India, and that if we can make a product they want, that it becomes viable,'"

how about we outsource fucking bush and hire some one with a fucking sliver of common sense. Does bush have any idea what he's saying???? How about we ship all the jobs over to india and then the rich business owners can produce products for them instead of americans WTF!!! AAARRRGGG how many years till this douche bag gets kicked out of office? fuck i cant wait. two more goddamn years of this bullshit. i hope the country makes it that long.

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