Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Long Good Friday (1979)

This is hands down one of the best movies ever. Top three gangster movies ever. This movie is definately in my top five favorite movies. what are those movies you ask. ok.

Top Three Ganster Movies

1. Godfather 1&2
So technically this is two movies but they fit so well together and they have been edited together as one big movie for tv before, this is the one that others all get judged by. Al Pacino, Marlin Brando, Robert Duvall, Robert DiNero, James Caan, just amazing performances. So much classic shit, the horse head, the quotes. The best.

2. Scarface
Again with pacino but this time he plays a cuban working his way up from nothing, in 80's Florida. Lots of Yejo, cutting, and killing. Rebbbennnggga! This movie from start to finish is fucking kick ass. I just don't understand how some people don't like it. yeah i'm looking at you garrett.

3. And this brings The Long Good Friday.
Until i saw this movie I thought Bob Hoskins was a joke. The heel in Roger Rabbit or you know the guy in heart condition. (which rules btw) Anyway this movie reinvigorated the british gangster genre with good reason it is fucking killer in one day this guy mob empire crumbles down around him with out him knowing why or who. its great. Hatchet Harry is in it alot, so is brick top for about 2 seconds.

my top five?

1. 400 Blows
2. Star Wars
3. The Long Good Friday
4. Karate Kid
5. The Kurt Russel / John Carpenter Holy Trilogy
a. The Thing
b. Escape From New York
c. Big Trouble in Little China

The Long Good Friday rules, go rent it this weekend. You'll thank me.

1 comment:

Moderator said...

I'd put Goodfella's or Casino ahead of Scarface, in my opinion. I think Scarface over does the "Fush You Mang" Cuban accent a bit much in Scarface. But that's me.