Sunday, January 08, 2006

day three

Phew, so i wakeup to the jukebox and stand up and to my suprise my foot doesn't hurt anymore woot, then i take two steps and it hurts worse, shit,? so i hobble downstairs for my free breakfast which is so-so but its free so i can't really complian, i hobble back upstairs and sleep until noon.? Then i go downstairs to see if hockey day in canada is on, it is and ottawa is getting thoughly trounced.? Then a group of Kiaia's start talking to me about hockey, it seems that they have been drinking since open, and are thoughly smashed.? One guy knows alot but the others don't really so i spend alot of time trying to explain icing to them.? after the game someone puts on football, so i go upstairs to watch it with sound in the hostel.?? but someones watching twister so i watch that until they leave then put it on hockey.? i watch that till about four then get ready and head to the train station (my foot still hurts) and ride the train down to the stadium.? But i am really early so the box office isn't even open yet.? i wait for that to open then i wait for the doors to open.? And watch a great game, canucks win in overtime.? They beat calgary for the first time this season.? Its great, lots of powerplays, back and forth woot.?

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