Tuesday, January 10, 2006

day 6

so i stayed up late watching movies last night, i woke up late today and moved my car, then ate lunch at the old spaghetti factory which is about a block away from my hostel.? The more i walk around the more i like where my hostel is.? its great.? I didn't like it much when i got there but it's really grown on me.? so after lunch i hung out at the hostel and now im at the coffee shop.? There's an internet porn queen sitting next to me at the coffee shop, too close to take a pic but i wish i could, she is talking to her buddy about being photographed and being on the 'net. and going to school and how cool she is, it is so sad/awesome.? The dude is just eating it up, and she is loving it.? The whoppers just keep getting bigger and better its hilarious.?

"i;m an emotional person, that's why im such a good model, if i'm having a bad day, you're gonna know about it."


it just keeps getting better,

"my boyfriend is a firefighter and a bartender, i mean he has aspirations, if things don't work out with him and i think he's great, but theres some one better for me out there."


is she dating ryland?? oh remember him sports fans? cryland??? oh shit i saw him on newyears what a duche bag.

wow they left, he's one of the photographers!? wow.? Vancouver porn in this neighborhood too. they have everything, oh did i mention the marijuana seed store too.? all within a one block radius.h

so from here i went and checked out a book store, went to roots, then to gm place to watch the canucks kick ass over the Leafs

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