Sunday, January 29, 2006

Chronicles of Narnia: L,W, the W

This movie was good. It wasn't great but i enjoyed it quite a bit and am looking forward to the next installment. Since i hadn't read the book sincei was a little kid, i wasn't all nit picky about it and therefore enjoyed it much more than say lord ot the rings. But it wasn't nearly as cool as LOTR. It was kinda milquetoast. Until the end when all the kids in the audience started to cry, and i started to wonder to myself who the fuck is in charge here? Is this a kids movie or braveheart? The battle scenes were cool, but they were no LOTR. That seems to be everyones complaint with the movie. CS Lewis and JRR Tolkien were peers and they did talk alot about the books each other wrote, so you can see some similarities, but Narnia is made for children and adults like myself looking for second helpings of LOTR are pretty much dissapointed like when you put too much water in the OJ. and it tastes ok but it could have been better. But in this case i think its the source material speaking to kids, which is fine make it a kids movie, but leave the freaking braveheart battle scenes out of it.

and ok, if you are going to make a movie with all unknowns. fine, good for you, no problem with that, but when you make all the people and all the vioces newcomers then throw liam nesson as the vioce of Aslan, its kindof distracting.

over all i liked it, enjoyed myself.

three of 5 taco sauce packets

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