Sunday, November 27, 2005


This movie is pretty intersting. Not that great but pretty good. An intersting look at what hapens to someone when they think they're the shit, and they're really kinda small potatoes. Not to say that i don't like boondock saints, I do. but Troy Duffy is kinda full of himself. And its a shame too. Because i would love to see what else this guy has to offer, but it seems like he burnt all his bridges with hollywood and music, and it really made me sad to see his brother doing construction. It seemed like he had some talent, and it looks as though his brother troy pissed away all of his brothers chances. Not that he cares about anything but himself. But what do i know i only watched a documentary made by people who are pissed off because they didn't get any money for their hard work during this time. So maybe they're alittle biased. just maybe.

3 out 5 taco sauce packets

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