Wednesday, November 09, 2005

episode three w/ audio commentary additional

so i relized i think why these three movies suck.



except for the audience!!!
didn't anyone listen to what the people are saying, how about some ADR and fix that shit.?

no one is watching the wheel. the guys on the comentary say a couple times "this part is perfect" or this section is "just perfect" all they are talking about is the back ground. or makeup or production design. these are all important parts of a movie but for fucks sake did you forget about the story? george lucas kept talking about enjoying some part but having to cut it out because of "the story" why even bother. i bet the parts that he had fun on would be great. fuck star wars. make a good movie. there i said it. i never thought i would. i grew up with starwars and i love the original and i even like empire but jedi thru sith suck ass. sorry george. the ewok adventure is better, and that sucks balls too. they just keep talking about minutia of the process like what they used for stuff that they cg'd over, like the blue glove that turns into anikens bad hand. who cares, i want to hear why in the name of god was the "younglings dialoge" scene in there, we've all heard carrie fisher talk about who she felt about the stiff dialoge in starwars, and how she envied harrison becasuse he could use some more modern terms and talk becasuse he was cool. So who was the cooler character? who came out better? did you learn a lesson mr lucas? no i dont mean let harrison ford write your dialoge, nice try, WRITE SOME MORE NATURAL DIALOGUE. i mean you have ewan mcgregor and nat portman great actors why give them that shite to say, you know they can act.

ok im gonna cut you some slack george. you have made some of my favorite movies, starwars, american graffiti, and THX, and you and your companies are responcible for some incredible innovations. i will grant you that. so.

you said in your interview with wired that your plan is to make more innovative movies, experimental stuff like stan brakhage (sp?) that sounds like a plan, ill be the first in line, but it better work this time!

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