Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Warren Ellis on a rampage is a sight to behold

it started out like this...

Is it interesting to anyone else that
only "spaceship show" on the air in
English? (DOCTOR WHO doesn't
count - ship shows have their own
set of tropes, and WHO doesn't fit.)
Almost makes me want to have a
go at another space opera/ship
comic again, see if I can get it right
this time...

then came this response...

Also known as "Warren Ellis' Conversations With The
Living Web," or something equally polite, respectful
and Joi Ito-esque:

The STARGATE shows are not ship shows. You
can tell by, you know, the lack of a fucking spaceship.
Sure, they have them NOW. But the clue remains
in the fucking title.

(That said, those things are the very model of how
to devise a long-running tv show. It's an open-ended
concept. As opposed to, say, LIFE ON MARS --
which ends the second the protagonist gets

(Although I don't think anyone expected every
planet in the known universe to look like Vancouver.
But what the fuck.)

If the show concept is All About Flying Around In
A Fucking Spaceship, it's a ship show. If it's
not, then it ain't. Just because something has
four legs, don't mean it's a dog. Luckily, you
have me here to correct your thinking and elevate
you from the evolutionary shitpit you currently
wallow in.

Thank God for me.

this man is a fucking genius.

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