Sunday, December 04, 2005


ok, so i'm a dork. It's true. I loved this cartoon growing up, this and beavis and butthead were the reasons to watch liquid television. So when i heard that they were going to make a movie about it, i was stoked. When i heard it was going to be live action i thought give me a break. I have been seeing the trailers for it and i thought it looked pretty crappy. But there is one good thing about the movie coming out... they put out the whole series and all the liquid tv shorts in one big box set! Finally. So killer! The movie was lame and thier was a bunch of exposition. Couldn't they have got some foriegn director to direct it and make it cool? Oh wait it was made by mtv films. never mind. wait a sec, they made napolean dynamite. They took a chance with that, why not make An esoteric AF movie like the cartoons? Get some french fucker that thinks he's smarter than everyone else to make it. It would be really cool. Even maybe a french canidien. what ever, im watching the cartoons right now and they're way cooler.

2 of 5 for movie 4 of 5 for cartoon taco sauce packets.

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