Monday, October 02, 2006

Killers - Sam's Town

To inagurate my new toy i downloaded the new killers album. Damn it's good. and damn is the ipod cool. i fucking love it. it downloads album cover art and puts it right on the ipod, and well i've wanted one for a really long time. so good for me.

The killers album really builds on what they did last time and take it to another level, yet they still have a familar sound. you can tell it's the killers.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sorry I didn't get back to you about my iPod! I'm glad you love yours as much as I love mine. Also, good work downloading The Killers! I haven't heard the new one yet, so I'm glad to hear that it's good. My parents are here at the moment and I've got finals this week, so I'm a bit busy....