Thursday, February 09, 2006

Ferris Bueler's day off : bueller editon

So i have been working on my eighties movie collection lately and this was a glaring hole in it. So i picked it up and to my dissmy (there was no milk, just kidding) it wasn't nearly as good as i remembered it. i mean come on. This is a classic. The opening is still great where he's talking to the camera and shit, and cameron wears a gordie howe jersey thru the whole movie which kicks ass, but other than that it was just some damn spoiled rich kid, i simpatized with his sister thru the whole fucking movie, which is super lame.

as a movie it is a classic that spawned alot of imitators parker lewis and fbdo the show, just to name a few. but compared to other shit. no fucking thanks.

3 out 5 tacosauce packets

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